The Birth of a Tirith

A few hours before a Tirith is born, the Tinys delicately lower the chrysalis from the branch that has supported it throughout its transformation.
They then carry it to a quiet place so that the great Elf can free itself from its cocoon and finally see the sunlight. The Tirith is born alone but attracts the curiosity of the other inhabitants of the forest who come to welcome the newcomer.


Nymph of the waters, Edraÿr protects and advises the elf peoples. She is from here and elsewhere, while being here or elsewhere. She appears or disappears at will, emerging from the waters when she is solicited. The elves call it by blowing into a shell in the manner of a pan flute. Of an unfailing beauty, she is loving and listening.
She cannot lie and the elves know it. Edraÿr reads the future by letting the waters slip through her fingers.

The role of the Tinys

The Tinys are born from the smallest eggs.
First of all small caterpillars, they will quickly lock themselves in.
in their chrysalises to transform into Tinys.
At maturation, the chrysalis unrolls slightly,
letting glimpse a frail winged being. Although the tinys grow
still a little after they hatch, they rarely go beyond
the sixty centimeters.
From the very first moments, the Tinys know how to use their wings.
Thanks to them they can escape from their cocoon to join the Tiriths.
Instinctively, they know their place in the life of the Calengwirith.
When a Tinys are born, they go in search of a Tirith to take care of,
bringing them food and water, and many other things,
like covers of leaves that they create
to protect them when the wind rises.
The Tinys are also the messengers of the Calengwirith.
They cross the forest on either side to
transmit the messages of the Tirith.


Tiriths and Birds

The mission of the Tiriths is to ensure that the harmony between the songs of the birds is perfect, thus guaranteeing the preservation of the Protective Wave.
To do this, they educate the birds, teaching them to modulate their singing. After its birth, a Tirith spends a certain amount of time walking around.
in the forest and the surrounding fields. When he sees a sparrow on a branch, he listens to its song, assimilates all its inflections, perceives the colors and the differences in timbre. Then he repeats them, discovering all the variations he can create.
Thus, during his first years, the Tirith learns to recognize birds by their songs as well as by other signs. This initiation requires a great investment, the Tirith is assisted by the Tinys. The end of his apprenticeship marks his arrival at adulthood. It is then time for him to communicate with the birds and show them how to modulate their singing. The Tirith is looking for a bird whose song needs to be modulated. It will then subtly connect to its consciousness to push it to vary its intonations, while whistling the new tone intermittently, until the bird recreates it.
Sometimes, the Tiriths ask for help from the Ealantas (their children). The latter create listening instruments, sometimes horn-shaped, sometimes flower-shaped, using the leaves, stems, branches they find in the forest. When a Tirith uses one of these instruments, the sound is amplified, allowing him to discover a new spectrum of vibrations.


Children of the Tiriths

The Tiriths, like the Tinys, are born from the eggs of the Giant Butterfly. Their mission is to educate the birds in order to guarantee the stability of the Protective Wave and thus the survival of the planet. But what about their children? Calengwirits have different customs from humans and it is very rare to see a child born from their unions. When this happens, the Tirith child has a different vocation. Ealautas (those who create) are creators, inventors, artists. They dawdle across fields, invent strange instruments, draw on stones and pieces of bark, and have fun in many ways.

The Tiriths ask them for advice every time they discover a new modulation or when they are confronted with a situation they cannot solve, such as not fully perceiving certain vibrations. The artists make strange instruments for them, rolling leaves around each other until they form a horn for example. Contrary to the Tiriths or Tinys that come out of eggs, the children of the Tiriths have a navel.

How the Calengwirith Feed

Tiriths feed on roots or nuts, they eat ripe fruits and enjoy berries from the woods. They appreciate above all the blueberries of the forest. They regularly suck on some flower petals at the end of their meal. Lighter in constitution, the Tinys feed mainly on the nectar of the flowers.
They drink the juice of the fruit and love honey when they find it around a stump or a swarm that has fallen to the ground. They would not allow themselves to plunder an active hive.